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Split-Split Plot Design (SSPD)

The Split-Split Plit Design (SSPD) is an extension of the Split Plot Design (SPD). In SPD we only experiment with 2 factors , while in SSPD we are dealing with 3 experimental factors. The first, second, and third factors are placed as main plots , subplots , and subplots , respectively.. The principle is almost the same as the SPD, in that the factors placed in the smaller plots are more important than the larger plots. Thus, the subplots are allocated as the most important factor, followed by the subplots and finally, the main tile which is of less importance.

Example of Split Split Plot Design

This article is a continuation of the Split-Split Plot Design article. For example, there is an experiment in agriculture that wants to study the effect of Nitrogen fertilization (A), Plant Management (B) and Variety (C) on rice production (tons/ha). Nitrogen factor was placed as the main plot, Management as a sub-plot and Varieties as a sub-plot. The following are the steps for calculating the analysis of variance followed by post hoc test: Fisher's LSD.