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Tutorial Excel: Statistik Deskriptif (Toolpak)
Tutorial Excel: Statistik Deskriptif (Toolpak)

Descriptive Statistics helps in simplifying large data sets in a logical way . Large data are reduced and summarized so that they are simpler and easier to interpret.

The following is a series of Data Analysis Tutorials, especially formulas regarding the size of the center ( mean, median, mode) and the size of the data spread (minimum, maximum, large, quartiles, standard deviation, kurtosis, skewness) using the Add-Ins Analysis Toolpak Microsoft Excel.

You can learn more about Excel: Descriptive Statistics (Toolpak) tutorial in the following video.

See Excel Tutorial: Descriptive Statistics (Toolpak)
Excel Tutorial: Descriptive Statistics (Toolpak)

Excel Tutorial: Descriptive Statistics (Toolpak)

If you are interested in Excel Tutorial: Descriptive Statistics (Toolpak) , please subscribe to Smartstat Channel:

You can learn a list of other Microsoft Excel Tutorials at the following link:

Tutorial Microsoft Excel